External references

Related Libraries

There are some similar libraries that provide similar functionalities, here we share a few for your reference.


next-connect is a middleware for Next.js that simplifies the creation of API endpoints by allowing developers to chain multiple middleware functions together. It seamlessly integrates with other Next.js features, such as server-side rendering and API routes, and supports TypeScript. next-connect reduces the amount of boilerplate code required and makes it easier to handle requests and process data.

Overall next-connect provides a similar but more powerful features than next-api-handler. Its older version inspired the creation of next-api-handler. Do check it out if you are looking for more powerful APIs.


trpc is a lightweight TypeScript-based remote procedure call (RPC) framework that simplifies the development of APIs and web services. With trpc, developers can define their APIs using a simple and intuitive syntax and benefit from features such as type safety, automatic documentation, and code generation. trpc also supports both client-side and server-side validation, ensuring that data is always validated and sanitized.

trpc is a more powerful framework that provides a lot of features that next-api-handler doesn't have, such as automatic documentation, code generation, and more. It has more required coding conventions and opinionated api design, but it's worth checking out if you are looking for a more powerful framework.

Utility Types