
Getting Started

Before you can start using next-api-handler, you'll need to install it in your Next.js application.


Simply choose your favorite package manager to install next-api-handler.

# npm
npm install next-api-handler

# yarn
yarn add next-api-handler

# pnpm
pnpm add next-api-handler



next-api-handler requires Node.js v8 or higher, where next@9 supports Node.js v8.10 or higher.

Please feel free to open an issue if you have any problems with new versions of Node.js.


next-api-handler requires Next.js v9 or higher, where it supports API routes.

Add API routes

Import the RouterBuilder class from next-api-handler, use it to create a new router in pages/api folder and export as default.

// /pages/api/users.js
import { RouterBuilder } from 'next-api-handler';

const router = new RouterBuilder();

router.get(() => 'Hello World!');

export default;

next-api-handler will create an json response based on the return value of the handler function, and with default response structure as below:

  "success": true,
  "data": "Hello World!"

If there are http requests not specified in the router, next-api-handler will return a 405 Method Not Allowed response.

  "success": false,
  "message": "Method Not Allowed"

Now you have created an API route in your Next.js application with just a few lines of code!

Compatibility with Next.js 13.2 API routes

Next.js 13.2 API routes not supported

Currently next-api-handler doesn't support /apps/route structure.

Please refer to Next.js 13.2 API routes for more details and consider raising an issue if you have any suggestions.
